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Tricia possesses over 20 years of hands-on experience in the field of Historical, Music, and Popular Culture autographs and collectibles. A respected autograph expert in her own right, she’s authored dozens of articles for both Autograph Magazine and the UACC’s Pen & Quill, analyzing the autographs of a wide variety of notable figures, including: Judy Garland, Humphrey Bogart, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Vincent Van Gogh. 

Steadily honing her craft for 18 years at Boston-based RR Auction, she learned the auction ropes from the ground up, eventually excelling to the position of Chief Marketing Officer. Highlights of Tricia’s career include the curation of lifetime collections, most especially the presidential collection of Raleigh DeGeer Amyx, hammering for $1.4 million. Beyond curation, she’s personally crafted extensive single-item catalogs for the Mario Puzo Godfather Archive, JFK’s 1945 Diary, and Dave Scott’s Apollo 15 Lunar Surface Chronograph, which sold at auction for $625,000, $718,000, and $1,625,000 respectively.

Her accolades include the acquisition, marketing, and sale of a lunar meteorite for an earth-shattering $612,000, and the elite offering of an early collection of Alexander McQueen couture fashion exhibited at The New York Historical Society in February 2020. Over the past three years, Tricia’s been an accomplished Auction Consignment Director for Iconic Auctions, heading up their first-ever East Coast branch and establishing their devoted Music Department together with John. In early 2023, Tricia was appointed the Universal Autograph Collector’s Club (UACC) Online’s Vice President, one of the most well-respected autograph trade organizations in existence with over 50 years of history, speaking to her overarching industry recognition.

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